Changes from 2023.02 to 2023.03
+ Added new PE/PEN Continuity column in SWZ table (hidden by default)
+ Added Protocol Owner column when using login
+ Non-interaction install was applied when upgrading from program
+ Added check all attachments exist when printing
+ Fix reported bugs
Changes from 2023.01 to 2023.02
+ Introducing the possibility of correcting the required lighting value according to new standard
+ Adding a new menu for adding protocols with the option of searching for table types
+ Possibility to configure measurement tables for the entire database or just one table
+ Added possibilities to change the font size and spacing for reports Program options / Print settings / Styles
+ Ability to add circuits to favorites
+ Removal of reported errors
Changes from 2022.12 to 2023.01
+ A welding machine validation wizard has been added to the PAT table
+ The option to change styles has been added to the report printout options
+ The option to insert a "hard" new page character in tables has been added
Changes from 2022.05 to 2022.12
+ Allows you to enter a larger character > directly in the measurement tables
+ Adding a protocol for testing surge arresters
+ Adding a thermal imaging test protocol, a table with photos
+ Adding a search and replace function in measurement tables
+ Grouping alarms into protocols, meters and permissions
+ Adding the ability to insert a new page mark anywhere in the table
+ Adding the ability to edit printout element styles (size, color)
+ Adding support for Microsoft Quick Help and AnyDesk
+ Possibility to group protocols by any column added
+ Compression of archive files introduced
+ Possibility of online activation of the program introduced
+ Development of new templates of additional documents
+ Extension of the catalog of security definitions available under support
+ The ability to create protocols in English has been added
Changes from version 7.64 to 2022.05
+ Changing the interface in accordance with the requirements of the latest operating systems
+ Adding the possibility of simultaneous editing of several protocols
+ Adding the possibility of simultaneous editing and preview of the protocol printout
+ Adding the possibility of defining your own security according to the characteristics: A , B, C, D, K, L, Z, and your own
+ Possibility to define various measurement conditions for elements of the document structure
+ A new method of importing protocols from Metrel files/meters has been prepared
+ Improved support for larger documents
+ Changed database support to mssql
+ Changed support for generating reports
+ Added support for English, German (in translation)
+ Added new security definitions
+ Updating the list of standards and regulations
+ Fixing reported bugs